Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Today's blog entry is written and delivered from me to you via open source software!

Are you not excited? I am.

My hardware:

A Dell PC that I have taken over from my friend and converted into my very own Linux playground.

I currently have it running Debian Linux with gnome as the window manager.

I am not particularly pleased with the setup as of yet. I am not a big fan of gnome. But I haven't had time to switch over to KDE yet. Fun Stuff...

Anyways. I have not had a lot of time as of late due to my schedule. But I need to go on about a few things that have been bothering me as of late.

Why does everyone feel the need to justify their existence? I don't understand this. Why shouldn't the simple fact that you STILL exist justify it? The feeling of inadequacy seemingly shared by the majority of the human race is, in itself, crap. Our politicians constantly run on at the mouth about how they are better than the next guy. Are they really better? Or just different.

When we move into the corporate world everybody tries to justify their job. Nowhere do I feel this is more prevalent than in the unionized workforce. The union's sole existence is supposed to be about worker's rights and fair treatment for the workforce. This had it's place during the development of our industrial economy. However, in this day of downsizing and strong arming the union (i.e. Northwest Airlines/AMFA strike) into submission, many workers would enjoy better working conditions, more overtime, and an all around better working environment if they were working according to state law and not their collective bargaining agreement. My employer has a stipulation in our employees contract that there will be no double time period. However California state law says anything after 12 hours is double time. Our employees do not benefit from this because of their contract. But I digress. The union should be about bettering the working conditions for it's members. In my opinion the union is not doing it's job if it's main focus is justifying the existence or employment of every member. Some people need to be fired. Some people are not a good fit and they need to be let go. But the union's of today typically see it as their "duty.' to protect the trash. They see it as their justification for existence. Because management must have a trap-door directly inside their "open" door. Ridiculous.

Well that is about it - I need to be off to work. Another fun day at the airport coming up!

Who links to me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP Europro toaster ovens

11:58 AM  

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