Happy Holidays!

Can you believe all the controversy that the choice of a holiday greeting can cause. There has been a lot of mention about it this year. Maybe there has always been a lot of mention about it and i just haven't paid any attention. There has been mention that 37 out of the 50 US governors chose to stick with Happy Holidays as their official greeting. I imagine that is an important decision in a politicians life - what greeting to use on your official Christmas Card....but wait...is it a Christmas Card? Holiday Card? Winter Season Card? Does the average American really care? I know if I got a card from my governor I would be happy to just get one. Then I would start wondering how much of my money they wasted in printing an "official" card. I have a pothole in the road to work that just keeps getting bigger - but damn that is a nice card. A little bit ridiculous if you ask me. CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger even took the time to paint his own card.
Aren't we all just as excited as hell that he could find the time to do that...but not the time to solve some more pressing issues? Illegal immigration? Lowering Taxes? Atrracting new business? That friekin' pothole on my way to work! I mean lets work on some stuff that needs to be fixed. Your surrealistic painting of a Christmas (or is it Holiday?) Tree is not one of them.
There is my rant for the day....
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