Monday, February 06, 2006

Sick as hell....and The Cultmaster

I am sick today. Not feeling well at all. But the show must go on!

Some things that have been on my mind lately.

World Airways pilots are currently on strike. Not a very good situation - Labor talks have pretty much completely broken down (from what I can tell). it doesn't bode well for either party. The pilots have created this website, to communicate their plight. I happen to side with the pilots on this one - but read through everything and decide for yourself.

Oprah - after watching the episode where she sang his praises, I find it VERY amusing that James Frey had America and Oprah fooled. It shows the power of the marketing machine that is Oprah. She is, in a very real sense, the leader of the largest cult organization in America. People follow her with a desperate fanaticism. It is insane. If Oprah says buy a book - it flies off the shelves. If Oprah says that she likes Brownies - all the brownies in America are suddenly missing. If Oprah says she wants America to smack their neighbors with a baseball bat - the price of baseball bats on eBay goes up 200%. Don't get me entirely wrong, Oprah does some amazing philanthropic work. But I have never heard anybody ask the question: WHY? Why does she do it? Does she feel some deep need to give back to where she came from? I don't think so. I think it is all a marketing engine. Every good deed that the woman does is repaid 10 fold by the sales of merchandise, magazine subscriptions, etc. She is a cultmaster - if she told her audience to join her in drinking the blue kool-aid there would be millions of dead people across this country. I find it scary folks. If a leader of a third world country had that dedicated of a following we would call him a dictator. Think about it. Crazy...

So what else to talk about. My head is pounding. It is a fairly bad cold. Sore throat, runny nose, the whole nine yards. I am taking Day-Quil. That stuff is supposed to be non-drowsy. But I feel like my head is floating around the ceiling. Awesome.

Well I need to get back to the flight line.....
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »

2:29 AM  

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