Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Getting in Touch

I made contact with one of my oldest friends today. It was a weird feeling. We have been out of touch for several years, but he only lives just down south in LA. We have both been out here in California for about the same amount of time..it is just weird. We lived down the road from each other for 6 or 7 years in Iowa when I was going through High School. Now "down the road" in Iowa farm-boy speak is about 2 and half miles. Which isn't very far once you can drive....but damn it's a hike on a hot august day.

But anyways - the point of the post is that it is awesome to make contact with someone from your childhood. It is like a link to the past. Even if they don't know who you are...they know who you were and that is an important thing to have.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Does counting slow you down?

I don't imagine many people have given this much thought. This is kind of an airline specific thing - but does counting things typically slow you down? One of my employees just took a delay and tried to blame it on the fact that he was counting the bags. That is ridiculous...don't you think. If counting something slows you down - perhaps you shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. Good god....
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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Soccer Game

Here are some pics from a soccer game that I went to last night.

US vs Japan - International Friendly

US 3 - Japan 2
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Crazy People

People are nuts....

A woman got caught by US customs carrying a human head in her luggage. [link] Can you believe that? What would posses someone to think it would just be hunky dory to carry a freikin' HUMAN HEAD in your luggage?

I have worked a lot of places with the airlines and have seen my share of heads in luggage. But never a human one...I mean come on...
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Monday, February 06, 2006

Sick as hell....and The Cultmaster

I am sick today. Not feeling well at all. But the show must go on!

Some things that have been on my mind lately.

World Airways pilots are currently on strike. Not a very good situation - Labor talks have pretty much completely broken down (from what I can tell). it doesn't bode well for either party. The pilots have created this website, to communicate their plight. I happen to side with the pilots on this one - but read through everything and decide for yourself.

Oprah - after watching the episode where she sang his praises, I find it VERY amusing that James Frey had America and Oprah fooled. It shows the power of the marketing machine that is Oprah. She is, in a very real sense, the leader of the largest cult organization in America. People follow her with a desperate fanaticism. It is insane. If Oprah says buy a book - it flies off the shelves. If Oprah says that she likes Brownies - all the brownies in America are suddenly missing. If Oprah says she wants America to smack their neighbors with a baseball bat - the price of baseball bats on eBay goes up 200%. Don't get me entirely wrong, Oprah does some amazing philanthropic work. But I have never heard anybody ask the question: WHY? Why does she do it? Does she feel some deep need to give back to where she came from? I don't think so. I think it is all a marketing engine. Every good deed that the woman does is repaid 10 fold by the sales of merchandise, magazine subscriptions, etc. She is a cultmaster - if she told her audience to join her in drinking the blue kool-aid there would be millions of dead people across this country. I find it scary folks. If a leader of a third world country had that dedicated of a following we would call him a dictator. Think about it. Crazy...

So what else to talk about. My head is pounding. It is a fairly bad cold. Sore throat, runny nose, the whole nine yards. I am taking Day-Quil. That stuff is supposed to be non-drowsy. But I feel like my head is floating around the ceiling. Awesome.

Well I need to get back to the flight line.....
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Friday, February 03, 2006

The Stand

I am reading The Stand for the 100th time and …..


Does anybody remember Randall Flagg? Now that’s a bad guy…


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