Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Here is a screenshot of my latest attempt to customize KDE. I am on a OS X kick at the moment. I have attempted to make my desktop look like a mac. I know that is completely against the "movement"....but it was fun and I learned alot about manually compiling pacakges. So it helped me and I have something I can show for it!
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I get to work the night shift this week! Exciting huh? I actually like working the night shift. The people at night are better. They are calmer. The morning shift is full of high seniority, grouchy folks. It isn't that way at night. So it should be fun.

So..what else is going on? Not a whole lot. The New York thing continues to progress. I should hopefully find out something next week. I am really looking forward to it. A new city will be exciting. Especially when that new city is freikin' NEW YORK!!!

Can you tell I am excited?
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Saturday, January 28, 2006

You know you’ve achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
French writer (1900 - 1944)

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I just got back from New York!

I had the chance to walk around a neighborhood in Rockaway.
That place is great. Blocks from the beach, quiet (at least in the winter), and of course...close to JFK. If I get the chance I think that Rockaway will be the place. I like it there.

oh and by the way....more rain in SFO....awesome...I don't think it is ever going to stop.

This winter has been plain awful.

Things I am liking today:

I am on a Blink 182 kick lately.....don't ask why
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Saturday, January 21, 2006


The process is finally in motion. I am interviewing in NYC for a position at JFK. I am looking forward to it. I am not particularly looking forward to moving...it is just always so damn stressful!

Today is another wet one at SFO. Not too bad for the ATC delays though. Aircraft are landing and taking off on the 28's currently. That means that it is EXTREMELY loud here at my terminal when the heavies departing for overseas take off. They rotate about 250 yards from my gates and when they pass my gates the are only about 50-75 feet off the ground. When a UA 777 or 747 goes by it almost shakes things off the walls.

Things I am liking today:

XM Radio - This is the best thing since sliced bread. Especially with a road trip in my future (possibly) I am looking forward to commercial free radio for 2937 miles.

Apple iBook - I want one of these....

Sunshine - Not the web services provider but the real thing. I am missing the sunshine today.

***pic was provided by wirednewyork

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Like it....Love it....

I just read through a new blog today. I think it deserves some play!




Hit it up. This is like my oldest friend in the world. This is one woman who I have had a tumultuous relationship with over the years. It all started in the 6th grade. This was our school. I was the new kid from Alaska and she was willing to be my friend. Here is where it started to get interesting. Do you realize that we once broke up something like 11 times in one year? I may be off on the numbers…but it was a lot. A lot.  Since I have left the Midwest about 6 years ago – we have been through some ups and downs. Mostly downs – mostly my fault. I am a flake. Especially when it comes to this girl. I just geek out when it comes to her. I have taken her friendship for granted in the past – see here. But as a new year’s resolution – I will do that no longer. But anyways – non-existent reader – read her blog. Post a comment or two. Tell her you think I deserve more of a mention.


Other things I like today:


Google Video – It is like crack….I can’t stop watching….seriously…I can’t. Search for “Terry Tate” …you will not be disappointed.


SABRE – well because I am at work – it’s like a video game for airline geeks.


Dave Matthews Band – The new Weekend on the Rocks CD is very nice. Easy listening….plus it brings back some fairly nice memories of before mentioned girl. Umm…Crash….yeah….Abel Road???


Craigslist – need to keep looking for that NYC pad. It is coming up sooner than I think….


That is about all that I like today – non existent reader – have a good one.




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Tuesday, January 10, 2006


How are we today, non-existent reader? You are kind of like an imaginary friend. I can't see you but I always know you are there. Sitting in the dark, music on, maybe a haze of smoke drifting around your head. You are there. Reading about other people's lives. It's a human thing. We all like to read about other people. But blogs are interesting to me. They are the most sincere form of mental masturbation. We sit, think, and type deep thoughts that are supposed to have meaning as they are put down on the screen. They are profound. They are children that we send out into the digital world and hope that someone finds them. We hope they are found and they change the life of the reader. More often than not - they do not. They do get sent out into the world. Sometimes they are found. Then they are forgotten. They change nothing. Maybe that is fititng justice. We all think that we can change the world. This is delusional. Changing the world is relative. We can have an impact within out sphere of influence. But for the great majority of us our sphere does not encompass the earth. For a lot of us it doesn't extend beyond the tips of our fingers. Meaning that we can only change that which we touch. I do not believe that I can change the world with this writing. I do believe that I can change the people who read it. The mighty hurricane began with the beating of a buterfly's wings, right? That sounds a bit to optimistic for me. But we shall see.

I am tired this evening. I should not be tired. I have accomplished exactly nothing in the last two days. I did not get my job here in San Francisco - not that it was entirely unexpected. So now it looks like it might be time to evaluate my options elsewhere. I have turned down a couple of interviews from other airlines in the last couple of days. I am a little afraid that I am going to have to move to NYC to advance with my current employer. Not that moving to New York is bad...just a bit scary.
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